Saturday, August 27, 2011

Similarities that predate the jesus story

Virgin birth
Son of God
Sent from heaven to earth in the form of a man
Visited at birth by wise men and shepherds, guided by a star
Parents had to flee to protect him
Went into the wilderness to fast
Baptized in a river
Sin free
Performed miracles
Raised the dead
Cast out demons
Ascended into heaven
Referred to as the shepherd of God, the lion, Lord of Lords, the Redeemer, Alpha and Omega
Second person (or item) in the Trinity
Said he was the way to the father
He is to return to do battle with the "Prince of Evil," who will desolate the earth

Virgin birth
Son of God
Sent from heaven to earth in the form of a man
Visited at birth by wise men and shepherds, guided by a star
Given gold, frankincense and myrrh
Born on December 25th
Died on a Cross
Put in a rock tomb
Went into the wilderness to fast
Sin free
Performed miracles
Raised the dead
Cast out demons
Resurrected on the 3rd day
Ascended into heaven
Referred to as the truth, the light, the lamb, the savior, the messiah, the good shepherd, the lion
Had 12 companions or disciples
Celebrated on the date we now call Easter

Dionysus (Osiris Dionysus):
God was his father
Born in a cave that housed farm animals
Virgin birth
His birth was prophesized by a star in the heavens
Converted water into wine
His followers were born-again through baptism in water
He rode triumphantly into a city on a donkey
He had 12 disciples
He was accused of licentious behavior
He was killed near the time of the Vernal Equinox, about MAR-21
He died "as a sacrifice for the sins of the world."
He was hung on a tree, stake, or cross
After death, he went into hell
On the third day after his death, he returned to life
The cave where he was laid was visited by three of his female followers
Ascended to heaven
Referred to as Savior of the world, Son of God
He and his father (God) are one
He will return in the last days and judge the human race
He died for our sins

Virgin birth
Father is God
Born on December 25th in a cave/manger, with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men
He was a child teacher in the Temple and was baptized when he was 30 years old
He was also baptized by "Anup the Baptizer," who becomes "John the Baptist"
He had 12 disciples
He performed miracles and raised one man, el-Azar-us, from the dead
He walked on water
He and his father (God) are one
He was transfigured on the Mount
He was crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected
He was also the "Way, the Truth, the Light, the Messiah, God's Anointed Son, the Son of Man, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, the Word" etc.
He was "the Fisher," and was associated with the Lamb, Lion and Fish
HE was called "the KRST," or "Anointed One,"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You know how you hear a bible story over and over so many times that it becomes second nature. You tend to repeat it, with out a second thought. You never question the validity, you trust that the preacher is telling you the truth.

I am guilty of this as well. I got up really early and went to Bible study before school and had heard and read the Noah's Arc story 9 trillion times and yet I just learned that what I knew was rubbish.

We are all familiar with Genesis 6 19-20
19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.

This story is surely a fable. How could a 600 hundred year old man, build a ship big enough to hold two of EVERYTHING. Let alone be trapped with it for 40 days and 40 nights and everyone and everything make it out alive.

This ship would have had to be ginormous right? Well, it would be eclipsed by the Arc he would have had to build in order to follow the exact orders he was given.

When we look at Genesis 7 more closely, we find that the size of the Arc would have had to be astronomical, especially based on the time and location. It would have needed to be visible from space.
1 And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.

2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.

4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

5 And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him.

6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.

First, lets tackle the age issue. We can only barely make it our of the hundreds, and we have Antibiotics, snake venom, vitamins, clean water, and actual food. We have artificial limbs, walkers, wheelchairs. Yet, I am to believe a dessert dweller lived to be 950 years old and at 600 was spry enough to build a skyscraper of a boat?

Now we all now the song
God told Noah there's going to be a floodie, floodie
God told Noah there's going to be a floodie, floodie,
Get those animals out of the muddie, muddie
Children of the Lord.

God told Noah to build him an arky, arky
God told Noah to build him an arky, arky
Build it out of gopher barky, barky
Children of the Lord.

The animals, they came in, they came in by twosies, twosies,
The animals, they came in, they came in by twosies, twosies,
Elephants and kangaroosies, roosies,
Children of the Lord.

It rained, it rained for forty nights and daysies, daysies,
It rained, it rained for forty nights and daysies, daysies,
Almost drove poor Noah crazy, crazy,
Children of the Lord.

Well, Genesis 7 has quite a different equation. Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

This means that he will need to collect 7 pairs or 14 individual representatives of every species. So if you think the Arc was big at twosies, imagine how big it would need to be at fourteensies. Lyons and Tigers and Bear oh my.. indeed

The bible says the Arc shall measure -- And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. In Inches - If you accept that Noah's value for a cubit is 20.3 inches, the ark was over 507 feet long, almost 85 feet wide and almost 51 feet tall.

To put that into terms we can relate to. A football field measures Length: 360 feet or 120 yards
Width: 160 feet or 53 1/3 yards. So the Arc was only half the width of a field and 1 1/2 times the length. Is that big enough for Fouteensies?

The story becomes even more unbelievable, when you take into account the directions for clean and not clean.

When we look at Genesis 5 5-7 We see that the Lord found his own creation repulsive and therefore decided to destroy it, including the beasts.

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

If you have an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, why don't you. If your purpose it to start fresh, why give orders to include, what you know to be unclean.

Later in the Bible, Leviticus to be exact, God will list all the unclean animals that we are not to eat as they are unclean or abominations. If you are all knowing, and you know they are unclean and will need to point them out as such, why even bring them in to the New. Why destroy the old to make the new just like the old. Seems like, you may have set yourself and mankind up for failure again.

The original set up failure was Eden. If everything is "perfect" and you want it to be perfect and last forever, then why put the tree of life within reach. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, but don't swallow.

Seriously, who needed a tree of knowledge? You are god, you already have all the knowledge there is. For whom did you create the tree? There were no people, so there was no need for that tree to exist. Seems like a design fail.

This goof is often blamed on the serpent, but you must take responsibility for your own actions. Serpent didn't put the tree there, nor give the original order of temptation. You tell them how awesome the tree is, how much knowledge you will gain, and show them where the tree is, and then double dog dare them not too.

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

When examined closely the Arc story is nothing but that, a story. Can this story teach anything?

I think it can. I think it tells us that the author of this book was as high as Cheech and Chong. That desert heat causes hallucinations and that the math back then was horrendous.

But, seriously......

At any time you can also take an account of your life, and make necessary changes and start fresh.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rep Akin: Unicorns and hatred for god!

Representative Todd Akin has a penchant for saying outrageous things, but this one may take the cake. In a conversation with Family Research Council president Tony Perkins about NBC cutting the phrase "under God" out of the pledge of allegiance during coverage of the U.S. Open, Akin said the following: Perkins: Why would NBC do this? Akin: Well, I think NBC has a long record of being very liberal and at the heart of liberalism

Is ignorance subjective.. He fails to realize that the rest of the pledge, " justice and liberty for all" not just those that believe in his GOD.

For the record I do not hate GOD. As with Mr Akin's relationship with GOD it is personal, wish he would keep that way.

I choose not to believe in fairy tales and such. I do not believe a 950 year old man built the biggest boat ever, that we can't find, and rounded up 2 of every species and managed to live together 40 days and nights and everyone made it. ( there are 38,000 species of spider alone)

I choose not to believe a man lived inside a while (big fish).. I choose to believe that racism and slavery are wrong, even when the bible says it's good.

I choose to eat bacon, shrimp and lobster, clams, when the bible says they are an abomination.

I choose not believe in Unicorns, even though the bible says they are real.

'God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of a unicorn.' (Numbers 23:22)

'His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns.' (Deuteronomy 33:17)

'Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? Can'st thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? (job 39:9-12)

'Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.' (Psalms 22:21)

The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn.' (Psalms 29:5-6)

'But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn.' (Psalms 92:10)

'For the Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea. And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls.' (Isaiah 34:6-7)

That's the amazing thing about America, we get to choose. Mr. Akin can choose to believe in every crazy thing he wants, but what he can't do is make policy or laws based on his beliefs, that effect the "justice and liberty for all"

You are free to believe whatever you like, but you are not free to to impede on my rights, based on those beliefs, no matter what religion it's based on.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tipping - do's and don'ts

gra·tu·i·ty (gr-t-t, -ty-)
n. pl. gra·tu·i·ties
A favor or gift, usually in the form of money, given in return for service.

A tip is a voluntary extra payment made in addition to the advertised price of the transaction.

I am always taken aback, when I hear people complaining about whether or not they were tipped, and how little they received.

When, as a society did our conscience shift in regards to tipping. When did it become a requirement instead of voluntary act of kindness?

I recently read a comment, that was rather shocking ..

People need to learn how to tip. Don't go out if you can't afford ALL aspects of going out, that includes tipping.

What did you do to deserve a tip? You already get paid to bring my food, refill my drink, and get me ketchup or make me a cocktail. Why should I tip you for doing your job?

What exactly did you do "above and beyond" your regular duties to deserve EXTRA money? Just showing up, doesn't warrant a tip. Just doing you job, isn't tip worthy either.

If your work attitude was anything like your comment, I am sure you got exactly what you deserved... nothing!

Do: Do get off you high horse and stop thinking that your so grand, that people should just give you extra money.

Don't: Don't expect to be rewarded for just doing your job.

DO: Do provide amazing service every time if you want to be rewarded

Don't: Don't be a whiny ungrateful bitch, if the person doesn't tip or you don't get what you think you deserve.

Do: Do remember that the tip is based on the customers interaction with you, not what you think of yourself.

Have said that....

I realize that servers aren't paid much if anything above minimum wage. Most rely on tips to survive.

I also know from experience it is a thankless job and you have to take a load of crap from everyone.

Knowing this ... I tip. I even over tip on purpose. What the public could learn is that if you frequent an establishment often, the servers will remember you and if your a shitty tipper, they know it.

I also will NEVER tip crappy service.. In fact I make sure to leave a Penny, face down to indicate that the service was horrible.

If service was amazing I tip well and leave a penny face up, indicating how good they were.

Servers also remember a good tipper. A healthy tip will get you better service the next time.

So tip.... tip the wait staff. If your the one being tipped, please do "something" worthy of my money.

Tipping isn't just a place in China, but if you provide poor service, then you should consider moving there.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

H8TER or Hated On

I am really struggling to care enough to give a shit.....

I can't seem to wrap my head around the noise that, is being generated to vilify this comedian for a rant that apparently wasn't funny.

Assuming that you know who Tracy Morgan is, then you had to have been aware of the type of material he puts out. So, to go through the trouble of purchasing a ticket, getting dressed up, find parking, etc..... to be angered, by what you heard, seems shocking to me.

First, I wasn't at the club, so I didn't see the rant. If you were a patron of this club and you were offended, then treat it like any other customer service experience.

As a customer you paid for a service.. laughter. If you didn't get the service you think you paid for, then by all means, complain to management, get your money back and shut the fuck up.

Personally, I don't care enough about him to buy a ticket. I don't think he or Tina Fey are funny and I certainly don't care what he said at a venue, that I was not at.

I question, why he isn't allowed to have the freedom of speech, gays strive for? If, he hates gays, so what. Don't go see him. don't reward him with your money... SOLVED.

He was at a gig, that paid him to be there as a comic. The "gays" and the media are treating him the same as the Westboro Baptist Church.

He wasn't protesting, he didn't seek his audience out, they sought him and he didn't disrespect our heroes.

Why is he being vilified in the court of public opinion, for having one?

Having said, that!!!

I am annoyed at his response... 2 apologies and the PSA... it seems very disingenuous. If he never went to a pride parade or did a PSA for 'It Gets Better" prior to this, then doing it now seems very contrived.

I am calling BULLSHIT !!!!!!

I am calling on Tracy to give everyone the fucking finger. Please stand your ground as a comedian. I will stab you, if you tell me you are going to rehab for this crap.

Just remember....... Funny is supposed to be funny!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

NO HOMO ?????

NO HOMO = Phrase used after one inadvertently says something that sounds gay.

Okay, so I couldn't post this to facebook... as i seriously violates terms of use.

Hoping for feedback on this one .. thought it was clever, but didn't "LOL" as others have exclaimed.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pets, Mail Service and Storage -- All for the End

Pets, Mail Service and Storage -- All for the End
Wondering about the fate of your pets after Judgment Day? Well, for $135, a loving atheist will care for your animal if you're not around anymore.

Eternal Earthbound Pets offers a service to rescue and take care of pets once their owners have been taken away to the heavenly realms. Though doomsayers say this Saturday will be the latest day of reckoning that's not expected to leave animals behind either.

Bart Centre of New Hampshire, co-owner of the pet business, launched it in June 2009. He has zero belief in Judgment Day, but began to see an increase in sales inquiries in December, which, he believes, is related to Family Radio's heavy marketing campaign around the May 21 date.

The retired retail executive said he has sold 258 contracts so far.

"That's out of 40 million targeted 'rapture' believers, so it's not like we're making a billion dollars," he said.

Still, Centre is among the opportunistic entrepreneurs who have made the most of doomsayers' predictions and people's eagerness to believe them, although some of them have seen no bump in business and Family Radio can't imagine anyone operating a business amid the ruins of a post-apocalyptic world anyway.

Family Radio, a non-profit, listener-supported religious organization based in Oakland, Calif., has declared that May 21 will mark the end of the world when Jesus Christ arrives for his second coming and the "rapture" of his believers. The organization encourages people to visit its website.

Eternal Earthbound Pets' sales increased during the first quarter of this year by 27 percent compared to the first quarter of last year, which Centre attributes to the May 21 campaign.

"My business partner [in Minnesota] and I launched in a handful of states initially. Now, it's much larger," he said, adding that he has designated rescuers in 26 states.

Centre increased his rates in January. It now costs $135 to rescue one pet and $20 for an additional pet at the same address, which he collects up front. That's up from $110 for the first pet and $10 for an additional pet.

And Centre takes his business seriously. He said he performed a credit history and criminal background on his 44 rescuers: those who are assigned to rescue any pets left behind. The contract fees are split among them.

Other profiteers are practicing a quote by newly inaugurated Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

Emanuel was referring to energy policy in 2008, but Joshua Witter, a software engineer, shared that mentality when he started Post-Rapture Post, a message delivery service to those left behind after the apocalypse.

Leaving Messages for the Left Behind
Witter, based in Orlando, Fl., started the website in 2004 after a casual conversation with his friends about what believers might want after they leave their non-believing loved ones behind. And he said he hasn't changed the website since it first launched.

Witter, an atheist, charges $4.99 to $799.99 to deliver a pre-written letter to those loved ones. Ritter said he suspects the postal service and email services will not be available anyways.

Witter, the postmaster general of the Post-Rapture Post, said he has only sold his simplest letter product at $1.99, although he does offer more elaborate options. For $800, a calligrapher, a friend of his, will hand write your letter on "medieval parchment style paper."

Witter, who has another day job, said there has not been renewed interest because of the May 21 campaign.

He said there were about 200 letters when the website first launched, but now it "trickles in." In general, Witter said he receives more business from his merchandise, including mugs and t-shirts, with a ratio of 10 to one, than his letter products.

"I'm lucky if I get one every couple of months," said Witter about letter sales, who has sold about 400 letters in total. "This new event really hasn't added much."

He said 95 percent of the messages are from Judgment Day believers who want to encourage their loved ones that it's not "too late" to believe. The other 5 percent are jokes.

Kevin Thompson, co-owner of Northwest Shelter Systems, based in Idaho, said concerns about a nuclear disaster -- not Judgment Day -- have driven recent sales of his hidden rooms and bomb shelters.

"We're not a doom-and-gloom company by any means," he said. "People are still purchasing shelters from us for a number of other reasons."

Sales have increased 60 to 70 percent since the start of this year, he said. He attributes the growth mostly to the tsunami and earthquake in Japan in March, and especially the resulting concerns about radiation emitting from the Fukushima plant, north of Tokyo, Japan.

Thompson estimated that his company has built more than 300 shelters in 21 years of operation.

Thompson said his company is also a certified contractor for the government. Northwest Shelter systems have cost from $50,000 to $20 million, although, Thompson said, the average is about $1.4 million.

Barbie Grossman, who is media director for the Vivos Group, which is a company based in Southern California that builds underground shelter networks, she said there has been a diverse range of sales inquiries but the company has not yet built a network for a group expecting Judgment Day.

Did Life On Mars Seed Life On Earth? Endeavor Mission To Help Analyze Possibility

Mark Kelly and his crew weren't alone on the latest Endeavor mission.
In fact, a number of microbes hitched a ride with the astronauts as part of an experiment to see if life could actually have made its way to Earth from Mars. While the Endeavor mission was just a beginning, the experiment will serve as a test run for an upcoming mission to one of Mars' moons, according to Popular Mechanics.
The experiment will test the effects of the trip on microorganisms. Bruce Betts, a project director with the Planetary Society, will be sending a similar set of organisms to Mars' moon Phobos aboard a Russian spacecraft.

From Popular Mechanics:
This trip is intended as a test of the transpermia hypothesis: that Mars may have held life billions of years ago, and that organisms could have survived the trip to Earth and seeded this planet with life. Those organisms may have invaded the Earth by traveling inside rocks that were blasted off the Martian surface by meteorites. "Whether you can populate planets from other planets is one of the more profound questions," Betts says. "It's intriguing, and it's worth understanding whether the theory is really plausible."
If there was life on Mars billions of years ago, there may be a chance it made its way to Earth.
Astoundingly enough (and as crazy as the theory may sound), the theory is actually more plausible than you may think. According to Popular Mechanics, Earth and Mars have shared million of tons rocks, and microbes can survive inside these space rocks.
The Russian mission will eventually test just how possible this movie-like situation ultimately is.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Second Coming .. OVER... and Jesus lives in Australia?????

Alan John Miller, Mary Suzanne Luck Claim To Be Jesus And Mary Magdalene.

At long last, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene have returned. Or at least that's what one Australian couple wants you to think.

Cult watchers are keeping a close eye on the pair, actually named Alan John Miller and Mary Suzanne Luck, who under the title "Divine Truth" claim to be the second coming of the biblical figures.

"Just a little over 2000 years ago, we arrived on the Earth for the first time," Miller says on his website. "Because of my personal desire and passion for God, as I grew, I recognized not only that I was the Messiah that was foretold by ancient prophets, but also that I was in a process designed by God that all humans could follow, if they so desired."
Miller, 47, and Luck, 32, have drawn in between 30 and 40 disciples since moving to the Wilkesdale region of Queensland in 2007, the Courier Mail reports.

"I don't want to be Jesus. Who wants to be Jesus?" Miller told his followers. "But I love the divine truth."
Australia's Cult Awareness and Information Centre and the Anglican and Catholic churches are concerned that the couple, relying on supporter donations to sustain themselves, appeals to the vulnerable.

"The moment someone becomes God or God's voice on Earth, it gives them another level of authority to enforce submission to them," Cult Awareness and Information Centre spokeswoman Helen Pomery told the Courier.

Divine reincarnation or not, the holy couple has worked wonders for local real estate. Miller and Luck's move to Wilkesdale reportedly sparked an "unlikely property boom," as their followers aggressively purchased much of the surrounding land.
In 2009, followers pooled together $400,000 to purchase roughly one square mile of land, where they currently hold weekly meetings and plan to build an international visitors center.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Second Coming...Really???

DOOMSDAY, May 21, 2011 - Possible Excuses If Nothing Happens: If the May 21 Doomsday of 2011 or the so-called Judgment Day fails to appear, what would be the excuses offered by FamilyRadio, its followers and supporters? The list of those wild prophecies is pretty long. The internet boards are full of the discussions going on at this point of time. This is an interesting take on the subject. There are no doubts that this prophecy will also bite the dust like others did in the past. Especially Harold Camping’s prophecy of 1994. He should have learned his lesson that time, and what was the need of a second prophecy if you can not do it the first time? When a prophecy fails, there are many excuses which are readily available and are offered soon after. Some interesting things happen after the doomsday date has passed and nothing happened. Here is the list of the things which you may notice on May 22, 2011. 

1. Harold Camping and his Family Radio becomes unavailable for commenting why the prophecy failed.
2. The supporters say their prayers moved the date into the distant future and the world is saved.
3. The next date for Doomsday is announced which would again be based on the accounts which have been somehow assembled with the facts gathered from here and there.
4. Nobody accepts the responsibility of a failed prophecy. You would not find the supporters and preachers in sight to answer your questions.
5. The books and other materials about this failed event which have sold well now become useless and of no value. You do not know what to do with the books which were sold to you in the name of Judgment Day and Return of God.

Several different terms are used to refer to the second coming of Christ.

In the New Testament the Greek word ἐπιφάνεια (epiphaneia, appearing) is used five times to refer to the return of Christ.[1]

The Greek New Testament uses the Greek term parousia (παρουσία, meaning "arrival", "coming", or "presence") twenty-four times, seventeen of them concerning Christ.[2] The word is also used six times of common people, such as when Paul talks of the arrival of Stephanas,[1Co.16:17] Titus[2Co. 7:6-72] and himself[Phil 1:26] [2:12] as parousia. The remaining twenty-fourth use of parousia refers to the "coming of the lawless one".[2Thes 2:9]

The etymology of Greek parousia is related to para "beside" ousia "presence", but since the word is also used of things in Greek the etymology is not as relevant as actual use. However in English "parousia" always has a special, Christian, meaning.[3]

Definitions of Major events in Jesus' life from the Gospels
Nativity of Jesus
Commissioning Apostles and Disciples
Sermon on the Mount
Evangelical counsels
Entering Jerusalem
Cursing the Fig Tree
The Temple Incident
Giving the Great Commandment
Second Coming Prophecy
Promising a Paraclete
Last Supper
The Passion:
Sanhedrin Trial
Pilate's Court
Crown of Thorns
Via Dolorosa
Empty tomb
Resurrection appearances
Giving the Great Commission

In Thayer's Lexicon, the Greek word parousia is defined as Strong's G3952:

...In the N. T. [New Testament] esp. [especially] of the advent, i.e., the future, visible, return from heaven of Jesus, the Messiah, to raise the dead, hold the last judgment, and set up formally and gloriously the kingdom of God.[2]

And in the Bauer-Danker Lexicon:

...of Christ, and nearly always of his Messianic Advent in glory to judge the world at the end of this age.

And in the Catholic Encyclopedia article on General Judgment:[4]

In the New Testament the second Parousia, or coming of Christ as Judge of the world, is an oft-repeated doctrine. The Saviour Himself not only foretells the event but graphically portrays its circumstances (Matthew 24:27 sqq. [Olivet discourse]; Matthew sqq. [Judgment of the Nations]). The Apostles give a most prominent place to this doctrine in their preaching (Acts 10:42, Acts) and writings (Romans 2:5-16; 14:10; 1 Cor. 4:5; 2 Cor. 5:10; 2 Tim. 4:1; 2 Thess 1:5; James 5:7). Besides the name Parusia (parousia), or Advent (1 Cor. 15:23, 2 Thes. 2:1-9), the second coming is also called Epiphany, epiphaneia, or Appearance (2 Thes. 2:8; 1 Tim. 6:14; 2 Tim. 4:1; Titus 2:13) and Apocalypse (apokalypsis), or Revelation (2 Thess. 2:7 1 Pet. 4:13). The time of the second coming is spoken of as "that Day" (2 Tim. 4:8) "the day of the Lord" (1 Thess. 5:2), "the day of Christ" (Phil 1:6), "the day of the Son of Man" (Luke 17:30), and "the last day" (John 6:39-40).

And also in 'Light from the Ancient East:The New Testament Illustrated by Recently Discovered Texts of the Graeco-Roman World'. Published in 1908 by Adolf Deissmann, in which he showed that the Greek word "parousia" was used as early as the 3rd century BC to describe the visit of a king or dignitary to a city arranged in order the show his magnificence to the people. The Roman Advent Coins struck by the cities of Corinth and Patras for Nero's visit reveals the correspondence between the Greek "parousia" and the Latin "Adventus" and their relationship to the Greek word "epiphany" that means "appearing" This shows that the verb "coming" that is used in many English translations of the New Testament is an inaccurate word to translate the Greek noun "parousia" that carries the technical characteristic of a grand exposition of an illustrious person. Also St.Paul remarked in II Thessalonians 2: 8 that that the Lord will destroy the lawless one "with the brightness (epiphaneia) of his parousia".

Signs of Christ's return
See also: Maranatha

The Book of Acts states:

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven."
—Acts 1:9-11

Many Christians believe:
The coming of Christ will be instantaneous and worldwide.[5] "For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." —Matthew 24:27
The coming of Christ will be visible to all.[6] "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." —Matthew 24:30
The coming of Christ will be audible.[7] "And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." —Matthew 24:31
The resurrection of the righteous will occur.[8] "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first." —1 Thessalonians 4:16
In one single event, the saved who are alive at Christ's coming will be caught up together with the resurrected to meet the Lord in the air.[9] "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord." —1 Thessalonians 4:17
Human life will cease to exist on earth for a period of time.[10] "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up." —2 Peter 3:10

First century

According to historian Charles Freeman, Early Christians expected Jesus to return within a generation of his death. When the second coming did not occur, the early Christian communities were thrown into turmoil.[11]

Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.
—1 John 2:18

Catholic and Orthodox
See also: Katechon

It is the traditional view of Catholics and Orthodox Christians that the second coming will be a sudden and unmistakable incident, like "a flash of lightning".[Mt 24:27] They hold the general view that Jesus will not spend any time on the earth in ministry or preaching.[12][13] They also agree that the ministry of the antichrist will take place right before the second coming.[12]

Main article: Preterism

The position associating the Second Coming with first century events such as the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Jewish Temple in A.D. 70 is known as Preterism.[14]

Some preterists see this "coming of the Son of Man in glory" primarily fulfilled in Jesus' death on the cross. They believe the apocalyptic signs are already fulfilled including "the sun will be dark",[15] the "powers ... will be shaken,"[16] and "then they will see".[17] Yet some critics note many are missing such as "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up." (2 Peter 3:10)[18] And "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matthew 24:30)[19]

Some, such as Jerome, interpret the phrase "this generation" to mean lifetime of the Jewish race; however, if Jesus meant "race" he would have used genos (race) not genea (generation).[20][21] However, most scholars don't think Jesus spoke Greek, but instead that he spoke Aramaic.

Mainline Protestant

The Last Judgment, by Jean Cousin the Younger (c. late 16th century)
See also: Mainline Protestant

The many denominations of Protestantism have differing views on the exact details of Christ's second coming. Only a handful of Christian organizations claim complete and authoritative interpretation of the typically symbolic and prophetic biblical sources. A common thread is the belief that Jesus will return to judge the world and to establish the kingdom of God (fulfilling the rest of Messianic prophecy).

A short reference to the second coming is contained in the Nicene Creed, a prominent Christian statement of faith: "He [Jesus] shall come again in glory to judge the living and the dead; and His kingdom shall have no end." An analogous statement is also in the biblical Pauline Creed, in 1 Corinthians 15:23.

Some Lutheran, Anglican and United Methodist liturgies proclaim the Mystery of Faith to be: "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again."

Generally, mainline Protestant Christianity does not offer predictions on the date of the second coming, though some may form their own ideas of how and where it will happen.
Main article: Seventh-day Adventist eschatology

Fundamental Belief # 25 of the Seventh Day Adventist Church states

The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the church, the grand climax of the gospel. The Saviour's coming will be literal, personal, visible, and worldwide. When He returns, the righteous dead will be resurrected, and together with the righteous living will be glorified and taken to heaven, but the unrighteous will die. The almost complete fulfillment of most lines of prophecy, together with the present condition of the world, indicates that Christ's coming is imminent. The time of that event has not been revealed, and we are therefore exhorted to be ready at all times. (Titus 2:13; Heb. 9:28; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; Matt. 24:14; Rev. 1:7; Matt. 24:43, 44; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; 2:8; Rev. 14:14-20; 19:11-21; Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 1 Thess. 5:1-6.) [22]

Latter Day Saints
Further information: Second Coming (LDS Church)

Notably those of the Latter Day Saint movement have particularly distinct and specific interpretations as to various signs presented in the Book of Revelation.

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses rarely use the term "second coming", preferring the term "presence" as a translation of parousia.[23] They believe that Jesus' comparison of "the presence of the Son of man" with "the days of Noah" at Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-30 suggests a duration rather than a moment of arrival.[24]

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that biblical chronology points to 1914[25] as the start of Christ's "presence", which continues until Armageddon. Other biblical expressions they correlate with this period include "the time of the end" (Dan 12:4), "the conclusion of the system of things" (Matt 13:40,49; 24:3) and "the last days" (2 Tim 3:1; 2 Peter 3:3).[26][27] Witnesses believe Christ's millennial reign begins after Armageddon.

Western Wisdom Teachings

In the Rosicrucian writings, also known as Western Wisdom Teachings, Max Heindel draws a distinction between Jesus the man, and the Christ, the true or divine nature.[29] He considers Jesus to be a high Initiate of the human life wave (which evolves under the cycle of rebirth), a singularly pure type of mind, vastly superior to the great majority of the present humanity. He was educated during his youth among the Essenes and thus prepared himself for the greatest honor ever bestowed upon a human being: to deliver his pure, passionless, highly evolved physical body and vital body (already attuned to the high vibrations of the 'Life Spirit'), in the moment of the Baptism, to the Christ being for His ministry in the physical world. Christ is described as the highest Spiritual Being of the life wave called Archangels, and has completed His union with the second aspect of God (Christ the Son):[30] Wisdom (Christ the [Solar] Logos; distinct from "the Word", Logos, of Whom John speaks, "The Only Begotten").[31]

In these esoteric Christian teachings, there is a clear distinction between the Cosmic Christ, or Christ without, and the Christ Within: the Cosmic Christ, the 'Regent of the Earth',[32] aids each individual in the formation of the Christ Within, the Golden Wedding Garment.[33] also called "Soul body", the correct translation of Paul of Tarsus "soma psuchicon" (Greek "soma" [body] and "psuchicon" [psu(y)che—soul]), "It is sown a soul body; it is raised a spiritual body…,"[34] distinction of "spirit and soul and body".[35]

According to this tradition, the Christ Within is regarded as the true Saviour who needs to be born within each individual[36] in order to evolve toward the future Sixth Epoch in the Earth's etheric plane, that is, toward the "new heavens and a new earth":[37] the New Galilee.[38] The Second Coming or Advent of the Christ is not in a physical body,[39] but in the new soul body of each individual in the etheric region of the planet[40] where man "shall be caught up IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord IN THE AIR."[41] The "day and hour" when this event shall be, as described in the Bible, is not in the human knowledge domain.[42] The esoteric Christian tradition teaches that first there will be a preparatory period as the Sun enters Aquarius by precession: the coming Age of Aquarius.

Baha'i Faith

Bahá'u'lláh claimed to be the Return of Christ. Followers of the Bahá'í Faith believe that the fulfillment of the prophecies of the second coming of Jesus, as well as the prophecies of the Maitreya and many other religious prophecies, were begun by the Báb in 1844 and then by Bahá'u'lláh.[43] They commonly compare the fulfillment of Christian prophecies to Jesus' fulfillment of Jewish prophecies, where in both cases people were expecting the literal fulfillment of apocalyptic statements.[44][45]

In modern times traditional Indian religious leaders have since moved to embrace Jesus as an Avatar, or incarnation, of God.[46] In light of this, the Indian guru Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, scribed an extensive commentary on the Gospels published in the two-volume set The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You.[47] In the tradition of the Gnostic Gospels, the book offers a mystical interpretation of the Second Coming in which it is understood to be an inner experience, something that takes place within the individual heart.

Stating that "Paramahansa Yogananda was sent to the West by Jesus Christ himself" with the said intent to "restore the original Christian teachings among his followers", in Revelations of Christ Swami Kriyananda, Yogananda's disciple and minister of the Self-Realization Fellowship, provides a distilled commentary on the life and teachings of Christ, all of which is meant to serve as an anticipatory primer to Yogananda's more philosophically nuanced treatment in The Second Coming of Christ. Turning directly to The Bible, Kriyananda argues for a more scripturally mature Christianity in which The Second Coming is treated not in terms of a profane materialism - one which favors a literal, physical and subsequently anti-spiritual resurrection - but rather unfolds in accordance with the more spiritual aspirations of The Book of Luke; for "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21)

Thus Hinduism's consideration of itself as an Eastern extension of the Christian Gospel, however, is neither unique to Yogananda or his disciple, Swami Kriyananda. Similarly, Srila Prabhupada, author Bhagavad Gita As It Is and founder of of the Hare Krishna Movement, has propounded the same pluralistic, nonsecular view: that "'Christ' is another way of saying Krsta and Krsta is another way of pronouncing Krishna, the name of God." Stating that "A son may call his father 'Father', but the father also has a specific name. Similarly, God is the general name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose specific name is Krishna", "Therefore", he writes, "whether you call God 'Christ', 'Krsta', or 'Krishna', ultimately you are addressing the same Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Main articles: Jesus in Islam and Islamic eschatology

Muslims believe that Jesus will return at a time close to the end of the world. The Qur'anic verse they allude to as an indicator to Jesus' future return is as follows:[49]

“And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.”[Qur'an 43:61]

According to Islamic tradition, Jesus' descent will be in the midst of wars fought by the Mahdi (lit. "the rightly guided one"), known in Islamic eschatology as the redeemer of Islam, against the al-Masīh ad-Dajjāl ("false messiah") and his followers.[50] Jesus will descend at the point of a white arcade, east of Damascus, dressed in yellow robes—his head anointed. He will then join the Mahdi in his war against the Dajjal. Jesus, considered in Islam as a Muslim and one of God's messengers, will abide by the Islamic teachings. Eventually, Jesus will slay the Dajjal, and then everyone from the People of the Book (ahl al-kitāb, referring to Jews and Christians) will believe in him. Thus, there will be one community, that of Islam.[51]

Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656: Narrated Abu Huraira:

"Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts)."

After the death of the Mahdi, Jesus will assume leadership. This is a time associated in Islamic narrative with universal peace and justice. Islamic texts also allude to the appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (known also as Gog and Magog), ancient tribes which will disperse and cause disturbance on earth. God, in response to Jesus' prayers, will kill them by sending a type of worm in the napes of their necks.[50] Jesus' rule is said to be around forty years, after which he will die. Muslims will then perform the Salat al-Janazah (funeral prayer) for him and bury him in the city of Medina in a grave left vacant beside Muhammad[49]

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, founder of the Ahmadiyya movement
Main article: Jesus in Ahmadiyya Islam

The Ahmadis believe that the promised Mahdi and Messiah (being one and the same person) has already arrived in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908).

The hadith (sayings of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad) and the Bible indicated that Jesus would return during the latter days. Islamic tradition commonly depicts that Jesus, upon his second coming, would be an Ummati (Muslim) and a follower of Muhammad and that he would revive the truth of Islam rather than fostering a new religion.[52]

The Ahmadiyya movement interpret the Second Coming of Jesus prophesied as being that of a person "similar to Jesus" (mathīl-i ʿIsā) and not his physical return, in the same way as John the Baptist resembled the character of the Biblical prophet Elijah in Christianity. Ahmadis believe that Ghulam Ahmad demonstrated that the prophecy in Muslim and Christian religious texts were traditionally misunderstood to suggest that Jesus of Nazareth himself would return, and hold that Jesus had survived the crucifixion and had died a natural death. Ahmadi's consider the founder of the movement, in both his character and teachings to be representative of Jesus, and subsequently he attained the same spiritual rank of Prophethood as Jesus. Thus, Ahmadis believe this prediction was fulfilled and continued by his movement.[53][54]

Main article: Judaism's view of Jesus
See also: Rejection of Jesus

Judaismis sometimes against the idea of his Second Coming. Many Jews believe that Jesus failed to fulfill specific Messianic prophecies. They often claim that, among other things, Jesus' death and failure to redeem the world[citation needed] after his first coming are proof that he could not be the Messiah. Rabbi David Wolpe believes that the Second Coming was "grown out of genuine disappointment" and invented by Christians to theologically compensate for Jesus' death.[55]


In January 1946, Theosophist Alice A. Bailey prophesied that Christ (who is regarded by Theosophists as being identical with the being known by Theosophists as the Maitreya) would return "sometime after AD 2025".[56]

Last Day counterfeits
Main articles: Antichrist and False Prophet

Many Christians believe there will be a great deception before the coming of Christ. In Matthew 24 Jesus states

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
—Matthew 24:21, 24 NKJV

These false Christs will perform great signs and are no ordinary people "For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." (Revelation 16:14) Satan's angels will also appear as godly clergymen, and Satan will appear as an angel of light.[57] "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will impersonate Christ. The church has long professed to look to the Saviour's advent as the consummation of her hopes. Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come. In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. (Revelation 1:13-15). The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: "Christ has come! Christ has come!" The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him, while he lifts up his hands and pronounces a blessing upon them, as Christ blessed His disciples when He was upon the earth. His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody. In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truths which the Saviour uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in his assumed character of Christ, he claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed.
—The Great Controversy, p. 624[58]

For you and others there is a lesson here: you must learn to ignore the people who beat the drums of doomsday. If someone thought that doomsday experts are very popular, that is a myth. They are not so much popular because deep-down everybody knows their real truth. The world watches them because soon the doomsday experts and preachers are going to be the joke of the town when their prophecy fails.

~modified slightly from the original at

Friday, May 13, 2011

Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice

Canadian researchers find a simple cure for cancer, but major pharmaceutical companies are not interested.

Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have cured cancer last week, yet there is a little ripple in the news or in TV. It is a simple technique using very basic drug. The method employs dichloroacetate, which is currently used to treat metabolic disorders. So, there is no concern of side effects or about their long term effects.

This drug doesn’t require a patent, so anyone can employ it widely and cheaply compared to the costly cancer drugs produced by major pharmaceutical companies.

Canadian scientists tested this dichloroacetate (DCA) on human’s cells; it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells and left the healthy cells alone. It was tested on Rats inflicted with severe tumors; their cells shrank when they were fed with water supplemented with DCA. The drug is widely available and the technique is easy to use, why the major drug companies are not involved? Or the Media interested in this find?

In human bodies there is a natural cancer fighting human cell, the mitochondria, but they need to be triggered to be effective. Scientists used to think that these mitochondria cells were damaged and thus ineffective against cancer. So they used to focus on glycolysis, which is less effective in curing cancer and more wasteful. The drug manufacturers focused on this glycolysis method to fight cancer. This DCA on the other hand doesn’t rely on glycolysis instead on mitochondria; it triggers the mitochondria which in turn fights the cancer cells.

The side effect of this is it also reactivates a process called apoptosis. You see, mitochondria contain an all-too-important self-destruct button that can't be pressed in cancer cells. Without it, tumors grow larger as cells refuse to be extinguished. Fully functioning mitochondria, thanks to DCA, can once again die.

With glycolysis turned off, the body produces less lactic acid, so the bad tissue around cancer cells doesn't break down and seed new tumors.

Pharmaceutical companies are not investing in this research because DCA method cannot be patented, without a patent they can’t make money, like they are doing now with their AIDS Patent. Since the pharmaceutical companies won’t develop this, the article says other independent laboratories should start producing this drug and do more research to confirm all the above findings and produce drugs. All the groundwork can be done in collaboration with the Universities, who will be glad to assist in such research and can develop an effective drug for curing cancer.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Judge Kirk: Gayer Than a Sweet-Smelling Jockstrap’

Judge Tells Child Molester He’s ‘Gayer Than a Sweet-Smelling Jockstrap’

Wisconsin Judge Philip Kirk sentenced a 71-year-old, former school bus driver named Delton Gorges to seven years in prison today. Gorges' crime? Sexually assaulting four boys over the course of 40 years. Gorges, who was once married and has a child, swears he's straight, prompting the judge to make the following observation:

"I think you were born gayer than a sweet-smelling jockstrap."

Let that pungent image roll around in your mind for a moment, before we move on to Judge Kirk's next comment about Gorges:

"If anyone believes that in the last 10 years or 15 years all of a sudden you developed an interest in homosexuality and young boys, then I must have looked ravishing in my prom dress this year.

He spared us from knowing how that thing smelled. Amazingly, the judge thought that by calling out the sex predator as gay in the most demeaning language conceivable, he was somehow doing the gay movement a service.

"I can't imagine in the 40s or 50s admitting your sexual orientation. No one knew there was a closet to come out of in those days. You know you had to be very careful because you could have found your penis floating in the Wolf as walleye bait. It was a terrible life to have to live."

So Judge Kirk feels for you, gays. He really does. See where a life lived in the closet, denying yourself the simple pleasures of sweet-smelling jockstraps and ravishing prom dresses, can lead? Stock up on those suckers now, before you wind up molesting young boys, too!

Is this why bottoms are always so happy?

From Popular Science:

Semen is a complex mixture of different compounds, and sperm actually only makes up a small amount of it. When you remove the sperm, what’s left is seminal plasma, a fluid that contains an array of ingredients, some of which can pass through the vagina and be detected in the bloodstream after sex. Three compounds of interest in seminal plasma are estrogen, prostaglandins and oxytocin. Estrogen and prostaglandins have been linked to lower levels of depression, while oxytocin (which women release during birth, breastfeeding and orgasm) promotes social bonding. These and other compounds in semen could function to keep women coming back for more. “I think there’s reason to believe based on some of the evidence we’ve collected that females that are in committed relationships that are having unprotected sex may use sex in part to self-medicate,” Gallup says. “It’s discovered after the fact that being inseminated has effects on mood, and they use sex to modulate their mood.”

There’s also evidence, he says, that women may actually go through semen withdrawal. In an unpublished study he conducted a few years ago, women in committed relationships who were having unprotected sex and were exposed to semen were “far more devastated and adversely affected [after a breakup] than those that were using condoms.”
Although, this article focuses mainly on sperm’s affects on women. It would be great to know how much semen withdrawal affects gays.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

STUPIDITY - Our country under seige

Has anyone else noticed that we seem to be under attack by a sudden surge of what can only be called stupidity.

Senator Mike Lee is but one in a list of crazies, that was able to pull the wool over the eyes of the voters and get elected.

The tea party, tea baggers, birthers etc and now child labor? What the fuck, you say??

Children working in factories, picking crops and hauling lumber on construction sites is a vision Mike Lee, the Republican senator from Utah, apparently wants to make a reality again in the United States. In a lecture on his YouTube channel, Lee explains in great detail why he believes U.S. child labor laws are unconstitutional.

(Kathy Lee Gifford must be grinning from ear to ear and writhing her hands as we speak of this)

In Lee’s view, the federal government does not have the authority to enact federal minimum wage laws, civil rights laws or to provide Medicare and Social Security.

Lee’s diatribe shows just how determined he and his ilk are to fight the gains workers have made.

Lee is one of the “tenthers”—conservatives who say federal laws and rules like the minimum wage, Medicare, Social Security, unemployment insurance, the Department of Education and a laundry list of other federal laws and programs are unconstitutional.

They argue that if a federal power is not specifically spelled out in the Constitution, the government does not have it, according to their view of the 10th Amendment.

What Lee fails to discuss is the case United States vs Darby, where the supreme court ruled,
The Constitution gives Congress the power “[t]o regulate commerce…among the several states,” and to “make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution” this power to regulate commerce. Even ultraconservative Justice Antonin Scalia agrees that these powers give Congress broad authority to regulate “economic activity” such as hiring and firing.

At time when our unemployment is at it's highest, and our nation teetering on another depression, Sen. Mike Lee believes that best way to pull us back from the edge, is re-instituting child labor?

This is the highest level of concern to Sen.Lee and his constituents? Really?

When everything that is facing the nation is calculated and you carry the one, move the decimal point and press total, all you get is stupidity. Sen. Mike Lee is an idiot.

Please stop wasting our money on bullshit and answer the one question that is on every one's lips


Drop the Soap: Duncan Hunter will get it

It's like a bad sitcom. one so bad that the writers hand the script out to the audience so they can read the punchlines and sob at how shitty the writing is.

One of the authors of this absurd bill is California Congressman Duncan Hunter (R), a member of the House Armed Services Committee. He is attempting to best serve his constituents' needs (I guess economic issues in the Golden State aren't a top priority) by focusing on how to keep the soap from dropping in the showers if gays and lesbians are allowed to serve openly.

This variation isn't even original, but it's predictable - get all of the service chiefs permission before signing off on repeal. Miss Mitch McConnell already tried and failed that stale script over in the Senate.

Hunter, an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran, is concerned that the bill passed in December repealing the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy "excluded the service chiefs from the certification process," said one congressional aide.

The repeal bill, signed into law Dec. 22 by President Obama, requires only the OK of the president, defense secretary and Joint Chiefs chairman.

"The chairman technically speaks for the chiefs, but they should be included in the debate," said the aide. "The chiefs are the ones carrying the burden of combat on their shoulders."

Hunter's measure would require the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps chiefs to submit to the congressional defense committees "written certification that repeal ... will not degrade the readiness, effectiveness, cohesion and morale of combat arms units and personnel of the armed force under [each] officer's jurisdiction engaged in combat, deployed to a combat theater, or preparing for deployment to a combat theater," according to a copy obtained by The Hill.

If Republicans are now going to focus on moral and social issues it will be a short stay in the majority for them indeed. Budget, jobs, out of control spending, etc. are the issues Republicans were sent to fix; not our society!!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Following the massacre from this Saturday, and while the president is giving a unite the country speech, Sarah Plain felt it necessary to respond to critics with a foul reference, that has left pundits and the like wondering what the fuck.

Sarah Palin responds to her critics, with the following.

"Within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence that they purport to condemn," Palin said in the video.

Although i believe she is an idiot... I think she knew what she was doing when she used the term blood libel.

First .. what is a blood libel?

Blood libel (also blood accusation) refers to a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, usually Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays. Historically, these claims have—alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration—been a major theme in European persecution of Jews.

The libels typically allege that Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover. The accusations often assert that the blood of Christian children is especially coveted, and, historically, blood libel claims have been made to account for otherwise unexplained deaths of children.

Now that we know what she was talking about, I do not believe that she meant to draw Jews of Judaism in to the argument, but rather was trying to draw the parallel, that she should not be vilified for having used rifle cross-hairs on a map to denote democrats that disagree with her stance on health-care.

This is foolish at best and self indulgent at most. She knows that she is partly responsible for inciting an entire political movement. She makes her living giving speeches regurgitating the same rhetoric over and over.

While on the campaign trail, she was willing to use her website to invite people to gather in a particular place and give her money. She was happy to be responsible for that. But, now that someone has followed her advise and followed through with her RELOAD mentality, we are crucifying her

I am calling BULLSHIT

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chicken Little - The Boy who cried Wolf and EXTREME STUPIDITY

We all were read the story of chicken little at bedtime - but should you not know who this is.

The fable is known by the name Chicken Little (USA), and by the phrase The sky is falling that occurs there. It is an old cumulative tale about a chicken (or a hare in an early version) who believes the world is coming to an end. The phrase "The sky is falling" has passed into the English language as a common idiom indicating a hysterical or mistaken belief that disaster is imminent.

The following video is the insane rantings of a modern day chicken little.

As you heard, crazy believes that, because we have overturned DADT and gay marriage is an inevitability, that god is retaliating.

How is he retaliating? He is killing his creations that have nothing to do with the decision that the nation made. Crazy says that when the creator of nature talk to us, we don't always understand the language he is using. It is bad enough that you are hearing voices, but if your own voices don't like you enough to talk to you in your native language. Perhaps dead birds aren't your biggest concern. I think it's medication time, who needs a pretty pink pill?

She is drawing the cause and effect idea, that birds and fish are dying because as a nation we have made decisions that are against the bible.

She informs us that because we have violated Romans 1, god is killing birds and fish. I gotta say for a parlor trick, this is really lacking creativity. Last time we had floods, fire, people living in a whale (large fish) and a gi-normous boat filled with 2 of everything and pillars of salt. This one is really lackluster. Someone needs to get more fiber.

If retribution were to be paid for failing to follow the bible, here are but a few, that are clearly better examples and worthy of a video.

Where is/was the retribution for over-turning slavery
(Deuteronomy 15:12-15; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1),

Where is/was the retribution for allowing her to mingle with regular folks while on her period (Leviticus 15:19-30,Leviticus 20:18,Ezekiel 18:5-6)

Where is/was the retribution for eating Lobster, Crab, Mussels, Octopus, Shrimp, Squid etc.
(Leviticus 11 9-12)

Where is/was the retribution for eating pork. (Leviticus 11 verse 7) (BACON... I LOVE BACON)

Failing to make all 10 commandments laws. We only have 2 1/2 commandments as laws.

1. Thou shalt not kill
2. Thou shalt not steal
3 Thou shalt not bare false witness ( 1/2 of a law - you can tell all the lies you want in private, but perjury is illegal)

All of these are examples of how we have grown-up as a nation and defied the Bible.

Another bedtime story was The Boy who cried - Just in case you are unaware of the story

The Boy Who Cried Wolf, is a fable attributed to Aesop.The protagonist of the fable is a bored shepherd boy who entertained himself by tricking nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock of sheep. When they came to his rescue, they found that the alarms were false and that they had wasted their time. When the boy was actually confronted by a wolf, the villagers did not believe his cries for help and the wolf ate the flock (and in some versions the boy).

Every time we have a natural disaster, a storm or even snow**, or war breaks out, some pastor, religious zealot, or crazy goes on TV, Internet or Radio and declares it a sign of the 2ND coming of Christ.

** Dec 28th 2010 Rev. Pat Robertson sparked controversy in todays broadcast of his 700 Club program when he claimed that God created the blizzard currently battering the Northeast “to punish Americans who were planning to drive to do something gay.”

Crazies have been claiming "signs" of his return since he supposedly disappeared. How many times have religious leaders claimed the end is near, claimed the devil's face in the smoke?

Yet, we are still here.

Heroes, Homosexuals, Freedom of Speech, Crosshairs and Blame

Daniel Hernandez, 20, comes off as a soft-spoken, intelligent young man. But it was his steel and calm - literally under fire - that is attributed to saving Congresswoman Gifford's life, during the shootings in Arizona. He is being called a hero and rightly so.

It wouldn't normally be appropriate to call attention to someones orientation, but in this case I think it is paramount. Daniel Hernandez is gay, and although this played no role in his calm demeanor and quick thinking. It may have the potential to change the perception of homosexuals.

As a nation, we recently saw history being made, with the demise of DADT, after 17 years of sanctioned discrimination. The arguments against repeal are based in ignorance and stupidity, but the national attention this story has generated, is a much needed focused lens of truth on the oppositions mirage of lies. His orientation speaks directly to readiness, cohesion. He was able to make split second decisions, during combat, that were life saving and all while homosexual. I dare Senator McCain to refute this truth.

The intense coverage has also brought to light how Gifford became a target, the tea party, freedom of speech and it's consequences, gun control and the vitrolism of our media.

Gifford became a target based on her decision to support health care reform, commonly know as Obamacare. Sarah Palin felt it necessary to post this map "targeting" Gifford as an enemy and thus and enemy of the tea party movement.

Sarah Palin's political action committee singled out 20 Democratic members of Congress by using rifle scopes to "target" them on a map. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was one such target. After the historical health care reform vote Palin told her followers On Twitter - Concerned Conservatives and Lovers of America "Don't Retreat, instead - RELOAD!"

Sharon Angle from Nevada, who was defeated by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in November, said that if Congress - then dominated by Democratic majorities in both houses - kept going in the same direction, people may resort to "Second Amendment remedies."

Following the Gifford shooting, Palin removed the map from her website, which begs the question, is that a sign of perceived responsibility?

As Americans we are all entitled to freedom of speech via the Constitution, however does that freedom free us from the consequences. I am torn on this aspect of the issue. I have never been a fan of blaming TV, Music or Movie industries when something like this happens. It ahs happened often. My favorite genre of movie is horror. In my many years I have never seen a killer thriller and thought i should get a machete and exact my vengeance on the city.

If you have an imbalance or are crazy from the get go, then the media by which you snap can not be blamed. Crazy is as crazy does.

Then I think about Charles Mansion. Charles Manson is an criminal who led what became known as the Manson Family, a quasi-commune that arose in California in the late 1960s. Although he personally killed no one, he was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the Tate/LaBianca murders carried out by members of the group at his instruction. He was convicted of the murders through the joint-responsibility rule, which makes each member of a conspiracy guilty of crimes his fellow conspirators commit in furtherance of the conspiracy's objective.

So are Sarah and Sharon responsible for perpetrating the conspiracy that Obamacare and democracy are anti-American and if they don't get their way, then their followers should resort to 2nd amendment remedies. If one or more of their followers to took their suggestions and brought them to fruition, wouldn't they bare a portion of the responsibility. To quote Spiderman - with great power comes great responsibility.

This incident should shine the light on the need for gun control. I realize this is a touchy subject, but the shooter was able to procure a 33-round clip for the glock he used. Is there any reason why a 33-round magazine exists for the Glock? With the exception of special forces, the general police in your area are only allowed a clip with 12 bullets and one in the chamber. Why is the criminal allowed to have more fire power than the police. The people sworn to protect us are out numbered by bullets.

Yes, the Constitution says we have the right to bare arms. But we must look at the intent of the statement. As a fledgling nation, we had just ended a war with England over our very freedom and were concerned that they would come back, so we needed our citizens to be ever ready. We do no have a fear of being conquered anymore and we have our own established Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. We have our own sanctioned, publicly funded militia.

So should we be allowed guns? yes. But, we do not need assault rifles, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, flame throwers or hand guns with mega-clips that can bring down a dinosaur, for home protection. What the hell are you hunting that requires a 50 caliber bullet. Does the average citizen have the right to stock pile weapons of what could be mass destruction, if we invade other countries to prevent them from doing the same.

Enough blame to go around...

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Man arrested for allegedly masturbating while seated next to a teenage girl on an airplane flight, the 50-year-old suspect told police that he was actually massaging and itching himself because he had spilled Tabasco sauce on his penis.

Escamilla’s unique explanation for his alleged indecent exposure is contained in police reports detailing the December 26 incident on a SkyWest Airlines flight from Salt Lake City to Lewiston, Idaho. Escamilla, a Florida resident, was in Idaho visiting family.

The girl, a high school cheerleader who just turned 17, told cops that she was seated directly next to Escamilla, and had chatted briefly with him at the trip’s outset. Mid-flight, as she looked at prom dresses in Seventeen magazine, the teenager spotted something moving “out of my corner of my eye.”

In a handwritten statement, the girl recalled, “I looked over and I could clearly see the man’s penis going side to side under the tray table that was down.” Escamilla, she added, had one hand on his laptop (which was atop the tray table) and the other “under the tray table.” Escamilla is pictured in the above mug shot.