I am really struggling to care enough to give a shit.....
I can't seem to wrap my head around the noise that, is being generated to vilify this comedian for a rant that apparently wasn't funny.
Assuming that you know who Tracy Morgan is, then you had to have been aware of the type of material he puts out. So, to go through the trouble of purchasing a ticket, getting dressed up, find parking, etc..... to be angered, by what you heard, seems shocking to me.
First, I wasn't at the club, so I didn't see the rant. If you were a patron of this club and you were offended, then treat it like any other customer service experience.
As a customer you paid for a service.. laughter. If you didn't get the service you think you paid for, then by all means, complain to management, get your money back and shut the fuck up.
Personally, I don't care enough about him to buy a ticket. I don't think he or Tina Fey are funny and I certainly don't care what he said at a venue, that I was not at.
I question, why he isn't allowed to have the freedom of speech, gays strive for? If, he hates gays, so what. Don't go see him. don't reward him with your money... SOLVED.
He was at a gig, that paid him to be there as a comic. The "gays" and the media are treating him the same as the Westboro Baptist Church.
He wasn't protesting, he didn't seek his audience out, they sought him and he didn't disrespect our heroes.
Why is he being vilified in the court of public opinion, for having one?
Having said, that!!!
I am annoyed at his response... 2 apologies and the PSA... it seems very disingenuous. If he never went to a pride parade or did a PSA for 'It Gets Better" prior to this, then doing it now seems very contrived.
I am calling BULLSHIT !!!!!!
I am calling on Tracy to give everyone the fucking finger. Please stand your ground as a comedian. I will stab you, if you tell me you are going to rehab for this crap.
Just remember....... Funny is supposed to be funny!
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