Saturday, March 04, 2006

War on Terror.. is it over.. ???

It would seem that the war on terror is over, do not get me wrong, we are still at war, and our troops can't come home.

Another blunder by this administration. The sale of British Port operator P&O to Dubai Ports World, of the United Arab Emirates, was approved by the Bush Administration.

This sale seems to make Michael Moore right? It would seem that Michael was absolutely correct in his statements that Georgie is in bed with the enemy.

Georgie announced the "war on terror". Yet approved a sale that would place Arab people in charge of our ports.

Let me state for the record, that I do not believe all Arabs are terrorists, but how do you tell the difference? Is that racist?, it might be, but they have tried to kill us.

We have seen how extremist they can be, strapping bombs to themselves, entering crowds of their own people, and committing suicide.

How can you tell? We had terrorist cells right here in our midst, and didn't know it.
They rented our apartments, used our Laundromats, bought our groceries, watched our TV programs, went to our flight schools and orchestrated 9/11 .

The sale should have violated homeland security policy. It will give them access to strengths and weaknesses of our ports.

Their religious convictions are very different than ours. They are not as obvious in their associations, as say our skinheads or the KKK are.

It will only take one person with association to Al QUEDA, Taliban, to pass on the port information. More than 400,000 cargo containers move among our ports everyday.

It has been reported that the UAE will not be in charge of security, but even we can not police more than 400,000 containers everyday. This seems way to easy.

We have heard tapes from Osama saying they are gearing up again for another attack, and we are allowing them to run our ports. Does the sale seem purposeful to anyone else!

Does anyone feel like this whole thing is nothing more than a Roadrunner and Wyle Coyote sketch, and we are the Coyote and this going to backfire in our face.

I thought we were fighting them over there, so we don't have to fight them here. If this is true, why are we sending them invitations?

How bad does Clinton's Blowjob seem now.. The blowjob was grounds for starting impeachment proceedings.

I wonder when we will get it......

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