Sunday, February 26, 2006

Truth , Lies and Wire Tapping

There are arguments on both sides of this debate. So here is mine.

Do I want my Government to thwart terrorist attacks, saves lives.. I answer a resounding YEEESSS. Do I want them to do it at the cost of our civil liberties.. I scream NO...NO ... NO.....

Let us not forget the old adage " if you give them an inch , they will take a mile"
We only need look back at the early 1900's and the invention of the internal revenue service. A temporary agency to get us out of the depression, and yet here we are in 2006, paying more than ever.

If President Bush really believed that wire tapping is warranted, then why not go ahead and get the appropriate warrants. He has access to a special court, that issues only these warrants. There is no waiting in line, or making an appointment.

With all the other scandals he has been involved in, 9/11, Katrina, outing of a CIA agent, you would think if not him, then at least his people, would have warned him how stupid this decision was.

I can't trust this administration, they have lied and failed to act, too many times.

I guess I can feel thankful, this is his last term.

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