Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Election...........Will History Be Made ?

Recent events have urged me to ponder several national questions......

Is the country ready for a black president, Can a woman, who can't control her husband, be president. How old is to old to be president.

Are these really the questions that are plaging america? Lets examine them one by one.

Are we ready for a BLACK president. I am flabbergasted that this question is being asked in 2008. For as far as we have come, we have not moved at all. Setting the race war aside for now, can a black man be president.

After the last loser, how bad could it be. Ia america worried that he will lie to us, appoint his unqualified friends to high ranking postions, embezzel money, start a war.

Well the current bastard did all of those things and yet, no one has seriously called for his impeachment. I believe that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. We can't truly complain about what we let happen.

When Clinton got his dick sucked by Monica, our elected officials lost thier fucking minds We launched in to investigations, and impeachment proceedings. Over a blow job. Why you ask. Religion.

We are at war over a lie, but because Bush has GOD on his side its all good.

Can Hilary control Bill, who will really be president? I am not sure how to respond to this question. Can anyone control their significant other?? Bill made significant contributions to America both during and after his presidency. People have suggested that becuase she will be emotional and that since Bill has cheated on her, she will be more concerned about his wearabouts and wont be able to focus on being president. Do we ask this same question of the male candidtes? Are we holding her to a different standard because she has a vagina?

How would America respond to a divorce in the white house.

Should any of this be used in picking the next president, should we be concerned with gender or race? Should we simply choose the person that we feel would do the best job.

Will there always be questions like, did he do that because he is black, did she let her emotions get the best of her.

What about McCain can a 70 year old man be president? Do we have to be careful who his running mate, as it is likely that they will replace him. Will his health be a concern, what about demensia or alzheimers?

will we just pick the lesser of 3 evils

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