Friday, June 24, 2011

Rep Akin: Unicorns and hatred for god!

Representative Todd Akin has a penchant for saying outrageous things, but this one may take the cake. In a conversation with Family Research Council president Tony Perkins about NBC cutting the phrase "under God" out of the pledge of allegiance during coverage of the U.S. Open, Akin said the following: Perkins: Why would NBC do this? Akin: Well, I think NBC has a long record of being very liberal and at the heart of liberalism

Is ignorance subjective.. He fails to realize that the rest of the pledge, " justice and liberty for all" not just those that believe in his GOD.

For the record I do not hate GOD. As with Mr Akin's relationship with GOD it is personal, wish he would keep that way.

I choose not to believe in fairy tales and such. I do not believe a 950 year old man built the biggest boat ever, that we can't find, and rounded up 2 of every species and managed to live together 40 days and nights and everyone made it. ( there are 38,000 species of spider alone)

I choose not to believe a man lived inside a while (big fish).. I choose to believe that racism and slavery are wrong, even when the bible says it's good.

I choose to eat bacon, shrimp and lobster, clams, when the bible says they are an abomination.

I choose not believe in Unicorns, even though the bible says they are real.

'God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of a unicorn.' (Numbers 23:22)

'His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns.' (Deuteronomy 33:17)

'Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? Can'st thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? (job 39:9-12)

'Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.' (Psalms 22:21)

The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn.' (Psalms 29:5-6)

'But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn.' (Psalms 92:10)

'For the Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea. And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls.' (Isaiah 34:6-7)

That's the amazing thing about America, we get to choose. Mr. Akin can choose to believe in every crazy thing he wants, but what he can't do is make policy or laws based on his beliefs, that effect the "justice and liberty for all"

You are free to believe whatever you like, but you are not free to to impede on my rights, based on those beliefs, no matter what religion it's based on.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tipping - do's and don'ts

gra·tu·i·ty (gr-t-t, -ty-)
n. pl. gra·tu·i·ties
A favor or gift, usually in the form of money, given in return for service.

A tip is a voluntary extra payment made in addition to the advertised price of the transaction.

I am always taken aback, when I hear people complaining about whether or not they were tipped, and how little they received.

When, as a society did our conscience shift in regards to tipping. When did it become a requirement instead of voluntary act of kindness?

I recently read a comment, that was rather shocking ..

People need to learn how to tip. Don't go out if you can't afford ALL aspects of going out, that includes tipping.

What did you do to deserve a tip? You already get paid to bring my food, refill my drink, and get me ketchup or make me a cocktail. Why should I tip you for doing your job?

What exactly did you do "above and beyond" your regular duties to deserve EXTRA money? Just showing up, doesn't warrant a tip. Just doing you job, isn't tip worthy either.

If your work attitude was anything like your comment, I am sure you got exactly what you deserved... nothing!

Do: Do get off you high horse and stop thinking that your so grand, that people should just give you extra money.

Don't: Don't expect to be rewarded for just doing your job.

DO: Do provide amazing service every time if you want to be rewarded

Don't: Don't be a whiny ungrateful bitch, if the person doesn't tip or you don't get what you think you deserve.

Do: Do remember that the tip is based on the customers interaction with you, not what you think of yourself.

Have said that....

I realize that servers aren't paid much if anything above minimum wage. Most rely on tips to survive.

I also know from experience it is a thankless job and you have to take a load of crap from everyone.

Knowing this ... I tip. I even over tip on purpose. What the public could learn is that if you frequent an establishment often, the servers will remember you and if your a shitty tipper, they know it.

I also will NEVER tip crappy service.. In fact I make sure to leave a Penny, face down to indicate that the service was horrible.

If service was amazing I tip well and leave a penny face up, indicating how good they were.

Servers also remember a good tipper. A healthy tip will get you better service the next time.

So tip.... tip the wait staff. If your the one being tipped, please do "something" worthy of my money.

Tipping isn't just a place in China, but if you provide poor service, then you should consider moving there.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

H8TER or Hated On

I am really struggling to care enough to give a shit.....

I can't seem to wrap my head around the noise that, is being generated to vilify this comedian for a rant that apparently wasn't funny.

Assuming that you know who Tracy Morgan is, then you had to have been aware of the type of material he puts out. So, to go through the trouble of purchasing a ticket, getting dressed up, find parking, etc..... to be angered, by what you heard, seems shocking to me.

First, I wasn't at the club, so I didn't see the rant. If you were a patron of this club and you were offended, then treat it like any other customer service experience.

As a customer you paid for a service.. laughter. If you didn't get the service you think you paid for, then by all means, complain to management, get your money back and shut the fuck up.

Personally, I don't care enough about him to buy a ticket. I don't think he or Tina Fey are funny and I certainly don't care what he said at a venue, that I was not at.

I question, why he isn't allowed to have the freedom of speech, gays strive for? If, he hates gays, so what. Don't go see him. don't reward him with your money... SOLVED.

He was at a gig, that paid him to be there as a comic. The "gays" and the media are treating him the same as the Westboro Baptist Church.

He wasn't protesting, he didn't seek his audience out, they sought him and he didn't disrespect our heroes.

Why is he being vilified in the court of public opinion, for having one?

Having said, that!!!

I am annoyed at his response... 2 apologies and the PSA... it seems very disingenuous. If he never went to a pride parade or did a PSA for 'It Gets Better" prior to this, then doing it now seems very contrived.

I am calling BULLSHIT !!!!!!

I am calling on Tracy to give everyone the fucking finger. Please stand your ground as a comedian. I will stab you, if you tell me you are going to rehab for this crap.

Just remember....... Funny is supposed to be funny!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

NO HOMO ?????

NO HOMO = Phrase used after one inadvertently says something that sounds gay.

Okay, so I couldn't post this to facebook... as i seriously violates terms of use.

Hoping for feedback on this one .. thought it was clever, but didn't "LOL" as others have exclaimed.