A different view of the happenings in the world..... I offer these not as proof, truth or fact.. just an observation.. a queer observation.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
STUPIDITY - Our country under seige
Has anyone else noticed that we seem to be under attack by a sudden surge of what can only be called stupidity.
Senator Mike Lee is but one in a list of crazies, that was able to pull the wool over the eyes of the voters and get elected.
The tea party, tea baggers, birthers etc and now child labor? What the fuck, you say??
Children working in factories, picking crops and hauling lumber on construction sites is a vision Mike Lee, the Republican senator from Utah, apparently wants to make a reality again in the United States. In a lecture on his YouTube channel, Lee explains in great detail why he believes U.S. child labor laws are unconstitutional.
(Kathy Lee Gifford must be grinning from ear to ear and writhing her hands as we speak of this)
In Lee’s view, the federal government does not have the authority to enact federal minimum wage laws, civil rights laws or to provide Medicare and Social Security.
Lee’s diatribe shows just how determined he and his ilk are to fight the gains workers have made.
Lee is one of the “tenthers”—conservatives who say federal laws and rules like the minimum wage, Medicare, Social Security, unemployment insurance, the Department of Education and a laundry list of other federal laws and programs are unconstitutional.
They argue that if a federal power is not specifically spelled out in the Constitution, the government does not have it, according to their view of the 10th Amendment.
What Lee fails to discuss is the case United States vs Darby, where the supreme court ruled,
The Constitution gives Congress the power “[t]o regulate commerce…among the several states,” and to “make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution” this power to regulate commerce. Even ultraconservative Justice Antonin Scalia agrees that these powers give Congress broad authority to regulate “economic activity” such as hiring and firing.
At time when our unemployment is at it's highest, and our nation teetering on another depression, Sen. Mike Lee believes that best way to pull us back from the edge, is re-instituting child labor?
This is the highest level of concern to Sen.Lee and his constituents? Really?
When everything that is facing the nation is calculated and you carry the one, move the decimal point and press total, all you get is stupidity. Sen. Mike Lee is an idiot.
Please stop wasting our money on bullshit and answer the one question that is on every one's lips
Drop the Soap: Duncan Hunter will get it
It's like a bad sitcom. one so bad that the writers hand the script out to the audience so they can read the punchlines and sob at how shitty the writing is.
One of the authors of this absurd bill is California Congressman Duncan Hunter (R), a member of the House Armed Services Committee. He is attempting to best serve his constituents' needs (I guess economic issues in the Golden State aren't a top priority) by focusing on how to keep the soap from dropping in the showers if gays and lesbians are allowed to serve openly.
This variation isn't even original, but it's predictable - get all of the service chiefs permission before signing off on repeal. Miss Mitch McConnell already tried and failed that stale script over in the Senate.
Hunter, an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran, is concerned that the bill passed in December repealing the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy "excluded the service chiefs from the certification process," said one congressional aide.
The repeal bill, signed into law Dec. 22 by President Obama, requires only the OK of the president, defense secretary and Joint Chiefs chairman.
"The chairman technically speaks for the chiefs, but they should be included in the debate," said the aide. "The chiefs are the ones carrying the burden of combat on their shoulders."
Hunter's measure would require the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps chiefs to submit to the congressional defense committees "written certification that repeal ... will not degrade the readiness, effectiveness, cohesion and morale of combat arms units and personnel of the armed force under [each] officer's jurisdiction engaged in combat, deployed to a combat theater, or preparing for deployment to a combat theater," according to a copy obtained by The Hill.
If Republicans are now going to focus on moral and social issues it will be a short stay in the majority for them indeed. Budget, jobs, out of control spending, etc. are the issues Republicans were sent to fix; not our society!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Following the massacre from this Saturday, and while the president is giving a unite the country speech, Sarah Plain felt it necessary to respond to critics with a foul reference, that has left pundits and the like wondering what the fuck.
Sarah Palin responds to her critics, with the following.
"Within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence that they purport to condemn," Palin said in the video.
Although i believe she is an idiot... I think she knew what she was doing when she used the term blood libel.
First .. what is a blood libel?
Blood libel (also blood accusation) refers to a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, usually Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays. Historically, these claims have—alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration—been a major theme in European persecution of Jews.
The libels typically allege that Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover. The accusations often assert that the blood of Christian children is especially coveted, and, historically, blood libel claims have been made to account for otherwise unexplained deaths of children.
Now that we know what she was talking about, I do not believe that she meant to draw Jews of Judaism in to the argument, but rather was trying to draw the parallel, that she should not be vilified for having used rifle cross-hairs on a map to denote democrats that disagree with her stance on health-care.
This is foolish at best and self indulgent at most. She knows that she is partly responsible for inciting an entire political movement. She makes her living giving speeches regurgitating the same rhetoric over and over.
While on the campaign trail, she was willing to use her website to invite people to gather in a particular place and give her money. She was happy to be responsible for that. But, now that someone has followed her advise and followed through with her RELOAD mentality, we are crucifying her
I am calling BULLSHIT
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Chicken Little - The Boy who cried Wolf and EXTREME STUPIDITY
We all were read the story of chicken little at bedtime - but should you not know who this is.
The fable is known by the name Chicken Little (USA), and by the phrase The sky is falling that occurs there. It is an old cumulative tale about a chicken (or a hare in an early version) who believes the world is coming to an end. The phrase "The sky is falling" has passed into the English language as a common idiom indicating a hysterical or mistaken belief that disaster is imminent.
The following video is the insane rantings of a modern day chicken little.
As you heard, crazy believes that, because we have overturned DADT and gay marriage is an inevitability, that god is retaliating.
How is he retaliating? He is killing his creations that have nothing to do with the decision that the nation made. Crazy says that when the creator of nature talk to us, we don't always understand the language he is using. It is bad enough that you are hearing voices, but if your own voices don't like you enough to talk to you in your native language. Perhaps dead birds aren't your biggest concern. I think it's medication time, who needs a pretty pink pill?
She is drawing the cause and effect idea, that birds and fish are dying because as a nation we have made decisions that are against the bible.
She informs us that because we have violated Romans 1, god is killing birds and fish. I gotta say for a parlor trick, this is really lacking creativity. Last time we had floods, fire, people living in a whale (large fish) and a gi-normous boat filled with 2 of everything and pillars of salt. This one is really lackluster. Someone needs to get more fiber.
If retribution were to be paid for failing to follow the bible, here are but a few, that are clearly better examples and worthy of a video.
Where is/was the retribution for over-turning slavery
(Deuteronomy 15:12-15; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1),
Where is/was the retribution for allowing her to mingle with regular folks while on her period (Leviticus 15:19-30,Leviticus 20:18,Ezekiel 18:5-6)
Where is/was the retribution for eating Lobster, Crab, Mussels, Octopus, Shrimp, Squid etc.
(Leviticus 11 9-12)
Where is/was the retribution for eating pork. (Leviticus 11 verse 7) (BACON... I LOVE BACON)
Failing to make all 10 commandments laws. We only have 2 1/2 commandments as laws.
1. Thou shalt not kill
2. Thou shalt not steal
3 Thou shalt not bare false witness ( 1/2 of a law - you can tell all the lies you want in private, but perjury is illegal)
All of these are examples of how we have grown-up as a nation and defied the Bible.
Another bedtime story was The Boy who cried - Just in case you are unaware of the story
The Boy Who Cried Wolf, is a fable attributed to Aesop.The protagonist of the fable is a bored shepherd boy who entertained himself by tricking nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock of sheep. When they came to his rescue, they found that the alarms were false and that they had wasted their time. When the boy was actually confronted by a wolf, the villagers did not believe his cries for help and the wolf ate the flock (and in some versions the boy).
Every time we have a natural disaster, a storm or even snow**, or war breaks out, some pastor, religious zealot, or crazy goes on TV, Internet or Radio and declares it a sign of the 2ND coming of Christ.
** Dec 28th 2010 Rev. Pat Robertson sparked controversy in todays broadcast of his 700 Club program when he claimed that God created the blizzard currently battering the Northeast “to punish Americans who were planning to drive to do something gay.”
Crazies have been claiming "signs" of his return since he supposedly disappeared. How many times have religious leaders claimed the end is near, claimed the devil's face in the smoke?
Yet, we are still here.
Heroes, Homosexuals, Freedom of Speech, Crosshairs and Blame
Daniel Hernandez, 20, comes off as a soft-spoken, intelligent young man. But it was his steel and calm - literally under fire - that is attributed to saving Congresswoman Gifford's life, during the shootings in Arizona. He is being called a hero and rightly so.
It wouldn't normally be appropriate to call attention to someones orientation, but in this case I think it is paramount. Daniel Hernandez is gay, and although this played no role in his calm demeanor and quick thinking. It may have the potential to change the perception of homosexuals.
As a nation, we recently saw history being made, with the demise of DADT, after 17 years of sanctioned discrimination. The arguments against repeal are based in ignorance and stupidity, but the national attention this story has generated, is a much needed focused lens of truth on the oppositions mirage of lies. His orientation speaks directly to readiness, cohesion. He was able to make split second decisions, during combat, that were life saving and all while homosexual. I dare Senator McCain to refute this truth.
The intense coverage has also brought to light how Gifford became a target, the tea party, freedom of speech and it's consequences, gun control and the vitrolism of our media.
Gifford became a target based on her decision to support health care reform, commonly know as Obamacare. Sarah Palin felt it necessary to post this map "targeting" Gifford as an enemy and thus and enemy of the tea party movement.
Sarah Palin's political action committee singled out 20 Democratic members of Congress by using rifle scopes to "target" them on a map. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was one such target. After the historical health care reform vote Palin told her followers On Twitter - Concerned Conservatives and Lovers of America "Don't Retreat, instead - RELOAD!"
Sharon Angle from Nevada, who was defeated by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in November, said that if Congress - then dominated by Democratic majorities in both houses - kept going in the same direction, people may resort to "Second Amendment remedies."
Following the Gifford shooting, Palin removed the map from her website, which begs the question, is that a sign of perceived responsibility?
As Americans we are all entitled to freedom of speech via the Constitution, however does that freedom free us from the consequences. I am torn on this aspect of the issue. I have never been a fan of blaming TV, Music or Movie industries when something like this happens. It ahs happened often. My favorite genre of movie is horror. In my many years I have never seen a killer thriller and thought i should get a machete and exact my vengeance on the city.
If you have an imbalance or are crazy from the get go, then the media by which you snap can not be blamed. Crazy is as crazy does.
Then I think about Charles Mansion. Charles Manson is an criminal who led what became known as the Manson Family, a quasi-commune that arose in California in the late 1960s. Although he personally killed no one, he was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the Tate/LaBianca murders carried out by members of the group at his instruction. He was convicted of the murders through the joint-responsibility rule, which makes each member of a conspiracy guilty of crimes his fellow conspirators commit in furtherance of the conspiracy's objective.
So are Sarah and Sharon responsible for perpetrating the conspiracy that Obamacare and democracy are anti-American and if they don't get their way, then their followers should resort to 2nd amendment remedies. If one or more of their followers to took their suggestions and brought them to fruition, wouldn't they bare a portion of the responsibility. To quote Spiderman - with great power comes great responsibility.
This incident should shine the light on the need for gun control. I realize this is a touchy subject, but the shooter was able to procure a 33-round clip for the glock he used. Is there any reason why a 33-round magazine exists for the Glock? With the exception of special forces, the general police in your area are only allowed a clip with 12 bullets and one in the chamber. Why is the criminal allowed to have more fire power than the police. The people sworn to protect us are out numbered by bullets.
Yes, the Constitution says we have the right to bare arms. But we must look at the intent of the statement. As a fledgling nation, we had just ended a war with England over our very freedom and were concerned that they would come back, so we needed our citizens to be ever ready. We do no have a fear of being conquered anymore and we have our own established Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. We have our own sanctioned, publicly funded militia.
So should we be allowed guns? yes. But, we do not need assault rifles, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, flame throwers or hand guns with mega-clips that can bring down a dinosaur, for home protection. What the hell are you hunting that requires a 50 caliber bullet. Does the average citizen have the right to stock pile weapons of what could be mass destruction, if we invade other countries to prevent them from doing the same.
Enough blame to go around...
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Man arrested for allegedly masturbating while seated next to a teenage girl on an airplane flight, the 50-year-old suspect told police that he was actually massaging and itching himself because he had spilled Tabasco sauce on his penis.
Escamilla’s unique explanation for his alleged indecent exposure is contained in police reports detailing the December 26 incident on a SkyWest Airlines flight from Salt Lake City to Lewiston, Idaho. Escamilla, a Florida resident, was in Idaho visiting family.
The girl, a high school cheerleader who just turned 17, told cops that she was seated directly next to Escamilla, and had chatted briefly with him at the trip’s outset. Mid-flight, as she looked at prom dresses in Seventeen magazine, the teenager spotted something moving “out of my corner of my eye.”
In a handwritten statement, the girl recalled, “I looked over and I could clearly see the man’s penis going side to side under the tray table that was down.” Escamilla, she added, had one hand on his laptop (which was atop the tray table) and the other “under the tray table.” Escamilla is pictured in the above mug shot.
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