Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Don't ask, Don't Tell, Don't Care - Orgies, Pink Camouflage, Parades

Today history was made.... after 17 years the policy known as Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) was struck down with the stroke of President Obama's pen. A long time coming, but about damn time.

It was reported that 70% of Americans supported the repeal, and yet we still have idiotic reporters and bloggers try to spread fear and nonsense.

One reporter asked Rep. Barney Frank about straight and gay soldiers showering together. What an absurd question. Mr Frank was excellent in his answer and made a fool of the questioner. Gay and straight soldiers have been showering together for centuries. Gay and straight people shower together everyday at colleges and gyms around the world.

So why such an idiotic question? FEAR. Fear is a great motivator. I believe that the 30% that still oppose the repeal are motivated by fear.

Fear of what, you might ask? Well, surely because of the repeal there will be Parades at every military base, and gay personnel demanding to wear pink camouflage and short shorts and orgies in every shower.

Absurd right? Of course, these are still soldiers and there are rules and regulations around duty and ethics and conduct. But somehow none of that matters, ooooooo scary gays.

I do not want to down play the significance of this historic moment, that has been in the making since 1965, when the first protest happened at the pentagon, But we need to be realistic.

There are going to be challenges to this repeal, to include legal proceedings.

Although, this is a step forward, it is a limited win. We should celebrate but remember the fight is not over.

In 30 states today (2010), you can be fired for being GLBT. The National Fair Housing Act does not protect against Orientation or Gender Expression. We still can not marry.

I lift my glass and salute the President, the soldiers and all the advocates that were instrumental in making this happen.

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