Monday, May 25, 2009

OMG!... It's Kevin Aviance

Okay... if you don't know who this is FUCKING GOOGLE HIM.. RIGHT NOW BITCHES!!!!!

While at work on Friday I got a call from my friend Regina and said she was coming into town from San Francisco, very last minute. Whenever she visits, it is usually very low key, maybe a movie, dinner and just generally catching up. We made plans to go to dinner at Headhunters and go dancing at FACES.

Let me preface this by saying, I hadn't been to FACES in about 6 months and clearly didn't know who was on the marquee.

Dinner was great, food was excellent, music was great ( until the live singer started). Anygay, were just chillin, kiki-ing over this queen or that "butch" lesbian and then the "live" entertainment started....YAWN...time to go.. I mean really, I hate to sound like Simon.. but it was dreadful..

We cross the street and enter FACES and since we had dinner at Headhunters, there was no cover (thank you Terry) We headed to the back bar, where the stage is and order a drink found a table..... etc

Videos were loudly banging out wicked remixes of all the hottest shit.... and at first, it was just the "regulars" and then around 11:00 it started to fill up, and we danced and then it got very quiet.

I took my seat and the video screen was reading "EXTRAVAGANZA"... This should have been my first clue.. and then a queen appeared Yelling EXTRAVAGANZA..

The crowd was a very "mixed" group.. so it was still quiet and then he said coming to the stage .. KEVIN AVIANCE...

I swear to you that you could hear a pin drop, when I screamed like a school girl... OH MY GOD...IT'S KEVIN AVIANCE..

He came floating down the stairs.. and took to the stage.... the look flawless.. it was a black and gold shrug, with a large veil attached that was draped ever so over his head, casting shadows.... with a leather, barely there one piece, with no back, no chest, no ass, and all the right spots filled out... he in in amazing shape...

The light hit him and he drops the veil.. .and gives us FACE.....FACE....FACE....BEAUTIFUL FACE...

He pulls the microphone to his lips... and tells us that if we do not know who is.. GOOGLE HIM... and then his HIT.. BODY ROCK STARTS.. and he turns it out... he is singing live.. and working it... giving us, very Naomi Campbell RUNWAY...

HE then flows effortlessly in to his older hit.. GIVE IT UP....and when he finished he starts talking about something.. but i can't hear it.. and then a beat starts and I loose my fucking mind.. and then all i can hear is... FEELING..... LIKE A DAISY...FEELING LIKE A ROSE.... wait for it... FEELING LIKE AN OORRCHID.. All i can do it scream CUNTY...CUNTY...CUNTY.... it's so good!!!

Then he brought the house down a level, and shared the story of his bashing, and how he TRIUMPHED... and then SERVES US A HOT PLATE OF.....DIN DIN DA.. finally the crowd gives over and gives him his propers....and well deserved I might add...

I can see him leaving the stage.. I realise I can't let this opportunity pass me by.. I rush to the right side of the room and wait near the stairs.. as he is led by a security toward the stairs, I reach out and take him arm, and tell him THANK YOU.. that I LOVE HIM.... THAT I LOVE HIM ON THE PODCAST... He leaned in kissed my check and said thank you....I DIED.... It was only maybe 5 seconds.. but it seemed like time stood still. I only wish there had been time for a picture, but who wants to be remembered for acting like a stalker..

A HUGE THANK YOU TO KEVIN AVIANCE.. for being a warm compassionate person, and for putting on a SPECTACULAR SHOW.... YOU GO MISS THING!!!

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