Thursday, June 09, 2005

Taken for granted

What do you take for granted? I was recently reminded that this is national GLBT month, and that several PRIDE activites will be commencing soon. Being reminded started me thinking about pride, and what pride means to me. Celebrating... is there anything to celebrate...

Is a pride parade the best way to celebrate, during yet another George W.Bush term. Was Dykes on Bikes, and THE GOLDS GYM GUYS, or a cornacopia of drag queens the best way to celebrate pride. Can wearing a "PRIDE FROCK" or singing I will Survive, make me feel prideful?

I don't really feel like celebrating .... I mean my job may be coming to an end, way above my head in debt with the IRS... being OVERWEIGHT. trying to make a 9 year relationship work, even though he is a flight attendant and almost never here.... Oh did i mention another birthday on June 21st . What exacly is there to celebrate, this doesn't sound anything like the Queer lifestyle I read about in the brochure before signing up.

I now realize that I have taken my PRIDE for granted. I had forgotten about all the sacrafice and hard work the people before me had to endure. I live in a free ( ok semi-free) country. I have been in a same sex relationship for 9 years, and noone is trying to knock down the door and arrest me. I am out at home, at work.. ok everywhere.. you can see my gay ass coming a mile away.. but I am out ... I am not discriminated against at work or in housing, and although i hear FAG hollered out of a passing car window every once in awhile, it's a good thing. I snaps me back to reality, awakens me from my "straightalized" existence. It also reminds me that as far as we have come, baby we got a ways to go.

I do have alot of things to celebrate, a husband, 2 dogs, a small group of real friends, and a job with BENEFITS... Participating in pride, even in the smallest way, well ensure that these things can't be taken away. To qoute "ACT UP" SILENCE = DEATH...... but i will go one further --- VISABILITY = ATTENTION.

It is now more that ever, that we need to march, to celebrate, even to get all FROCKED UP, and to fill your lungs with free air, and sing at the top of your voice I WILL SURVIVE , because if we slack even for a moment, the proverbial "THEY" are waiting to take away what you already have, and make sure you don't survive.

So the next time you see dykes on bikes, trannies, pan asain gay youth on the news, and you cringe, and ask yourself why is that the only section of our community they show on tv. STOP yourself miss thing... look around you....... look at your gay life, your gay lover, your gay house/apartment.. it is those pepole on the news that has afforded your gay ass, a gay life, a gay lover, a gay house........If you think that your community isnt being represented, then why are you sitting on your couch watching the parade on the news.. get out there and represent...

PS.. if this year will be your first parade....... it probaly isnt a good thing to do DRAG the first time ...

PSS I am trying this blog thing on a dare.. but its kinda theraputic???

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