Thursday, September 11, 2008

Is this the face of the modern day devil, the antichrist? Lord knows that like Regan from the excorcist, this bitch scares me.

What scares me the most is the outcry of support this "pig" is getting

What is it about this relatively unknown woman, who was snatched from a obscure small Town in Alaska. What is it about her that would qualify her to be a Vice Presidential candidate.

Will the whole of America embrace this woman and her far right of center views.

She has said that she is qualified because she has been a mayor and the Governor of Alaska. Is that enough to be elected to the 2nd highest office.

It is said she is qualified because she is MOM. The are hundreds of thousands of mothers,but they are no more qualified than she is.

Is she just a pawn, being used by the McCain machine as a distraction to the fact that he is a carbon copy of Bush, or that he has severe medical issues that could affect or cut short his reign if elected.

Is she qualified to run this country if McCain' health becomes an issue.

It is clear to me that she has not demonstrated the necessary skills to be our leader in any capacity.

She has said that she is in favor of abstinence only sex education programs.

Is she even qualified to represent her own party? It is clear that Mrs. Palin's political stance and personal life are in opposition.

How can she represent her party of the moral right, while her underage daughter is pregnant. Questions regarding "her" last child and whether it is actually hers are being raised. It seems her daughter took 5 months off from school for an illness. The child is 5 months old. Mrs Palin has stated that she had a c-section and was back to work in three days, and jogging.

It now seems that the father of Bristol Palin's unborn baby is in question. It is being reported that Bristol had unpretected premarital sex with a young African-American who was visiting his Unlce in Alaska, and got her preganant before returning to Los Angeles.

I question her ability to run this nation, and make the necessary decisions, when she is unable to see, by her own daughters condition, that abstinence alone doesn't work.

Let's face it, it wasn't that long ago that we were teenagers as well. The first thing I wanted to do was the first thing they told me not to do. Kids are going to have sex no matter how many times we tell them not to.

I am not knocking abstinence, but i believe that it should be a part of a comprehensive sexual educational plan.

Would you allow your child to ride a new bike with out the appropriate safety gear? (e.g. a helmet, elbow and knee pads etc) Why would you not prepare your child for the inevitability of sex. Perhaps she is unaware then the only way to propagate our species is sex, it is written in to our genes to copulate.

She has stated that the war is god's plan. How does she know it's god's plan? Did he directly speak to her? There are several fundamental problems with this idea.

1. If it's god's plan, how will you ever know the plan.
2. As long as it is god's plan, then you have no personal responsibility
3. If the war is god's plan then you have to say that, Katrina, Aids, her child's birth defect and the other daughter's pregnancy are also god's plan
4. What happens if you claim its god's plan, and you lose.

When we hear this type of thing form a homeless person, they are considered a kook and often committed. Yet she is exalted, to the 2nd highest position.

How will she sit at the table and deal with leaders of every religion. It is clear to me, that she is not aware that our nation was built on the separation of church and state.

I question her ability to lead, if her decisions will be based on her religious beliefs. Leaders must consider how the decisions they make will affect the meltingpot of Americans that make up this great country. We can not afford to have leadership make decisions that are solely based on their belief in the invisable.

In a recent speech Mrs Palin said that the bail out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were too big and had cost taxpayers too much. These institutions were not taxpayer funded until the bail out. She had no idea who they were or what they did.

Mrs. Palin is starting to sound a lot like Dan Quayle. Well she be able to spell potato.

When asked by Charlie Gibson if she agreed with the Bush doctrine -- the administration's policy of preemptively striking another country in the face of potential attack -- Palin seemed unfamiliar with the term.

Palin initially said she interpreted the "Bush doctrine" to mean the president's "world view."

It would seem that there are questions as to whether she has abused her authority as Governor. Palin is embroiled in her own trooper-gate scandal up in Alaska. In short, she's accused of using her pull as governor to get her ex-brother-in-law fired as a state trooper. The brother-in-law is embroiled in an ugly divorce and custody with Palin's sister. And after his boss wouldn't fire the brother-in-law, she fired the boss. Palin originally insisted there was nothing to the story. More recently, she was forced to admit the one of her top deputies had pushed to get the guy fired.

To quote Obama, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig...