Monday, September 04, 2006

You betta work BITCH

Okay, so I know, it has been like forever, since I posted anything. I wish I had an excuse..but I don't.... I haven't really been in the mood since Paula died.

But something happened to me that made me want to write this shit down.

Hold on to your underwear.. I got to meet Rupaul..who..who who you say I said RUPAUL.. I know shut up... no way but its true. I know...I could just pee.. and I did a little.

Is was the Rainbow Festival this weekend in Sacramento.. SO like a good fag, I didn't even get motivated till the last minute... I thought I had planned to go with some friends.. but due to whatever reason(insert favorite reason here) they flaked. No need to name names, you bitches know who you are (I mean that in the nicest way).

I decided to go at the last minute and didn't think that I wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting in. I had to park 3 blocks away.. Yes bitches I walked 3 blocks.

When I got to the door of FACES, there was already a freakeshly long line, all the way passed the alley. There were 2 lines, one for those with a weekend pass, and those who didn't. Needless, to say I had to get in the line without. As I took my place in line and waited and waited, the security guards were yelling that they wouldn't be letting anymore people in, that they had reached capacity. I could see through the new windows, and it didn't look that full to me, but I wasn't counting so, what do I know. As they were yelling people were getting out of line, allowing me to move up. At one point the owner of Faces, Terry, was walking by and stopped to talk to me. Terry and I used to build floats together in he back of the Mercantile, in the Nineties. Anywho, he stopped to talk to me saying that he wasn't sure whether I would get in, I was pretty close, but they were at 750 people, which is capacity, he thought they should allow 1000 people in.

There was more yelling, asking each individual if they had a pass, if not there was no need to stand here, cause they weren't letting anyone in. I decided to I would take my chances. More people decided to leave the line and I was then number 3 or 4, couldn't really tell since it wasn't a straight line, when Terry walked by and saw me still standing there, and made me his personal guest, and telling the security guards to let me in. I was ushered in and given a wristband, and pointed in the direction of the new bar.

I ordered a Corona, and made my way through the crowd, checking out all the new work. I finally ended up on the video room, which is where I usually am. I sat on the sidebar and watched the videos. I was approached by a 500/600 pound man and asked to dance. I thought about it and said why the hell not.

So he led me to the dance floor and as we were dancing his belly kept rubbing against me and he was telling how well I dance and how gorgeous I was and when he said this I actually looked him in his crossed eyes and laughed.. right about then they announced 5 minutes till Rupaul.

I told Alfonzo that I was here to see the show, and made my way to the tent.
It was crowded but by no means at capacity. When she finally made her entrance it was to screams and hollering.

The wig was workin, the outfits were beautiful and the beats were banging.
although the show was only about 10 songs, it was way cool. She did re-worked version of her hits and a couple of new songs and then announced that she would be selling her cd's and dvd's and signing them.

I got right in line and ended up being 8th in line. I tried to take pictures but was told no by her security and they were flashing their lights in to the cameras they saw. When it was my turn, I paid my money and stepped up. She was gracious and asked how to spell my name. Is it teddy with a Y, she asked. She signed my cd and I said thanks for the emails as well. She said Teddy... is your least name Kis, I said yes..she said I remember you and I stepped around the table we hugged. I said that it was really nice to meet you. Her security was ushering me out, I said thanks and left.

It was awesome.. She was so very nice and real (well as real as you can be while wearing full drag)

It is clearly a highlight in my life..

A Big Kiss to Rupaul